The objective of this sutta is to give the message and guidance of how one can attain and live in peace. The buddha told them the outcomes of a great man with the 32 marks. If you know of other ancient or modern sutta commentaries that are readily available, please email me the info at please include the sutta number, both pali name and english name if available, the name of the commentary and if possible, a link to the commentary if it is online, otherwise a link to a place. The meghiya sutta is one of my favorite little teachings. It was possibly compiled as a handbook for novices. Ven medagoda abhayathissa thero dhamma padaya chitta wagga duration. Buddhist forum about the dhamma of theravada buddhism. The sutta nipata the sutta collection, the fifth book of the khuddaka nikaya, consists of 71 short suttas divided into five vaggas chapters. The chinese canon contains two corresponding translations, the maha kotthita sutra and the kotthita sutra. Meghiya went to the blessed one and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, stood to one side. For one thing, it is an excellent introduction to buddhist meditation straight from the lips of the buddha himself.
In addition to the commentary, there is translation of the. A forum for members who wish to develop a deeper understanding of the pali canon and associated commentaries, which for discussion purposes are both treated as authoritative sutta nipata commentary. The sutta nipata the sutta collection, the fifth book of the khuddaka nikaya, consists of 71 short suttas divided into five vaggas chapters a complete translation of the sutta nipata, sutta nipata. This sutta, which appears twice in the pali canon, tells of a young monk, the venerable meghiya, who was the buddhas attendant. Meghiya sutta the buddhas advice to meghiya sister ajahn candasiri. Dhp 241, translated by achariya buddharakhitta coming to the end of your first book of suttas will likely give you a sense of accomplishment. The great discourse on causation bhikkhu bodhi, bps, 1994. An ancient collection of the buddhas discourses together with its commentaries. Mythic figures in the three worlds cosmology creation myth, found in the aggannasutta, certain brahma deities whose abode was above the destruction beginas the waters that are left from the old cataclysm start to coagulate below themto savour the taste of the matter that constitutes these lower strata. Page 2 of 10 a gift of dhamma maung paw, california the agganna sutta on knowledge of beginnings introduction. Thingyan is a burmese term which is derived from the sanskrit sankranta, meaning change or transfer. The way things really are book iv of the suttanipita.
Unlike a bible, the buddhist holy book is not often kept in one single volume. The suttas the buddhist holy book or sacred text one. It is also recited for promoting a peaceful coexistence with ones fellow men and. The sammaditthi sutta and its commentary access to insight. This compilation will be an on going project your help will be much appreciated.
In the same way, when asked about a fruit of the contemplative life, visible here and now, ajita kesakambalin answered with annihilation. Commentaries by dhammapala on seven books of the khuddaka nikaya. Ajahn sucitto provides here a great commentary on the first discourse of the buddha. The commentary style is simple and unassuming, and is carefully constructed to help the reader connect the dots between the teaching on the four noble truths and daily life. It includes, according to the commentarys reckoning, 9,565 short suttas grouped by number from ones to elevens. Thich nhat hanh who usually writes wonderful books has a commentary on the satipatthana sutta that is terrible. The sammadihi sutta pali for right view discourse is a pali canon discourse that provides an elaboration on the buddhist notion of right view by the buddhas chief disciple, ven. The collection of little texts awakening and nibbana. If you want to learn what the buddha taught, the suttas are the place to start.
The volume includes numerous excerpts from the niddesa, an ancient commentary already included in the pali canon, which offers detailed expositions of each verse in the atthakavagga, the parayanavagga, and the rhinoceros horn sutta. The allembracing net of views the brahmajala sutta and its. Crossing the flood a commentary on the oghatarana sutta by scott foglesong august 2001 contents 1 the sutta 2 cosmology in the buddhist tradition 2. The commentary is traditionally attributed to buddhaghosa. Public domain books are our gateways to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge thats often dif. Full text of a critical analysis of the sutta nipata see other formats.
Vipassana research institute this video is uploaded for benefit of whole humanity. Once when the buddha was living on the calika mountain, meghiya was his. I wish to go into jantu village for almsfood, revered sir. Download the bible, the holy quran, the mahabharata and thousands of free pdf ebooks on buddhism, meditation etc. Whatever beings that are here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, may every being be happy and joyful. This bhikkhu, returning from alms round one morning, spotted a beautiful and delightful mango grove. Abbreviations, symbols, and sutta reference numbers.
Having translated the diamond sutra and the heart sutra, and following with the platform sutra, red pine now turns his attention to perhaps the greatest sutra of all. The satipatthana sutta and its commentary addeddate 20100904 04. Transcribed from the print edition in 1994 under the auspices of the dharmanet dharma book transcription. It consists of nine short texts, only one of which is not found elsewhere in the canon. Many of the suttas included are well known and listed elsewhere including online, but this book includes a translation of the canonical commentaries, which are. Meghiya, having taken refuge in the buddha, the dhamma, and the buddhas sangha and living as a monk for a reasonable amount of time, finds himself still troubled by three unwholesome qualities of mind. The purpose of a video is not to make money out of it. Here the buddha reveals the root concepts of all things. Zens first patriarch, bodhidharma, gave a copy of this text to his successor, huiko, and told him everything he needed to know was in this book.
I have recently come into contact with several people on the internet who are confused by the role of lay people in the buddhist community. The satipatthana sutta is the buddhas single most important discourse describing the practice of meditation. Canonical texts and commentaries, pali and english. In the theravada buddhist tradition the contents of the suttas, or pali canon, are known as the tipitaka.
The khuddaka nikaya, or collection of little texts pali khudda smaller. Sources useful for dating this discourse include the 2,400yearold pali canon, a 1,500yearold buddhist commentary, and more recent scholarship regarding these verses. Marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in this. This book contains an accurate and readable translation of this discourse, as well as of its massive commentary and the subcommentary, allowing for a close in.
Full text of a critical analysis of the sutta nipata. Commentary on brahmajala sutta, abr tr bodhi in the allembracing net of views, bps, kandy. My discourse today will be an exposition on the silavanta sutta, in the khandhavagga of the sa. Then the venerable meghiya approached the lord, prostrated himself, stood to one side, and said. Instead, it is a collection of many volumes, depending on the tradition. In summary this sutta was given by buddha to his monks. The western terms scripture and canonical are applied to buddhism in inconsistent ways by western. In the meghiya sutta, the buddha teaches meghiya five qualities that bring awakening, or full human maturity.
In going over this sutta, readers will find some sections which seem to have direct resonance, while others may appear controversial or contradictory to their views. This sutta provides a detail description of the origin of the human kind and the planet earth at the beginning known as world. Metta sutta not only guides as a meditation technique but also used as a guide for the moral and spiritual progress and serves as a protection technique paritta the buddha saw in his supernormal powers that this was the best place for them to achieve spiritual liberation. Here for the first time is the condensed version of the daily evening discourse given by the author to his students on a seven day retreat. Commentaries for the suttas of the pali cannon leigh brasington. It is also available to read online and in various ebook formats at. The thirtyeight blessings enumerated in it, are an unfailing guide on lifes journey. The metta sutta is the name used for two buddhist discourses pali. The sutta pitaka is the second of the three divisions of the tripitaka or pali canon, the pali. This is one of the oldest collections of buddhist discourses in the pali canon. The commentary, the paramatthajotika, relates the background story to each sutta and explains each verse in detail. In fact, you continue reading when you complete a book of suttas.
The buddha taught them the metta sutta as a theme of. The entire collection of these scriptures is called the sutta pitaka. You can make the beauty and wisdom of these ancient scriptures a part of your every day life through a daily sutta reading practice. Today is the beginning of thingyan festival which marks the change of years from 26 b. The one, more often chanted by theravadin monks, is also referred to as kara. The way things really are is translation of book iv of the suttanipata by lesley fowler lebkowicz, tamara ditrich and primoz pecenko. My name is greg bester and i am a practicing lay buddhist. The way of mindfulness the satipatthana sutta and its commentary.
Just as if a person, when asked about a mango, were to answer with a breadfruit. The suttanipata is one of the earliest texts of the pali canon, coming from the same period as the dhammapada, before the. The book of protection, tr piyadassi, buddhist publication society, kandy, sri lanka, 1981. The discourse on blessings 1 this famous text, cherished highly in all buddhist lands, is a terse but comprehensive summary of buddhist ethics, individual and social. The discourse group, 2016, by thanissaro bhikkhu, is distributed free of charge by metta forest monastery.
The heart of buddhist meditation nyanaponika thera, samuel weiser, inc, 1974. Introduction translated in a learned journal in the 1830s. Some of the vocabulary is of its time and may seem out of place by modern standards. A complete translation of the sutta nipata, sutta nipata. Page 146 there are two extremes, o bhikkhus, which the man who has given up the world ought not to follow the habitual practice, on the one hand, of those things whose attraction depends upon the passions. Buddhist texts were initially passed on orally by monks, but were later written down and composed as manuscripts in various indoaryan languages which were then translated into other local languages as buddhism spread. Pali canon online provides english, chinese, and pali editions of the most authentic buddhism text the pali canon for free. But it is also a very human portrait of a teaching and student. Ahakatha pali for explanation, commentary refers to palilanguage theravadin buddhist. In its expanded form found in my translation it is certainly a hypnotic spell, and will, as if by. Written in a mixture of prose and verse, it presents a code of conduct and provides the basis for. A discourse on worldly vicissitudes the thingyan festival.
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